Do lessons you learn from your Mom EVER END? I think not.
Recently I called my Mom to check on her as She’s been facing some VERY trying circumstances. VERY TRYING!
“Do you have a minute to chat?” I asked.
She hesitated. “Can I call you back later?”
I could hear a lot of happy chat in the background as my Mother chatted with others joyfully.
“What are you up to?” I asked.
With glee in her voice She said, “Right now I’m rolling a sweet lady to her room in a nursing home.”
“Wait. What are you doing there?” I inquired.
I could hear the smile spread over Her face as She admitted, “I volunteer over here and get to love on all these sweet folks.”
I was stunned into silence for a moment.
We quickly finished up our conversation so She could get back to her work and we hung up promising to catch up later.
So how’s my Mom doing? My guess is She’s doing okay. Why?
Because She’s actually doing the exact thing I’d heard Her talk about so very often throughout my life.
Over and over I’d heard my Mom say…
“When we are facing trials or difficulties or sadness, one of the best ways to face those challenges is to get outside of ourselves and happily serve others.”
And there She was in real time. Teaching me… through Her example.
Oh, yeah. Did I mention my Mom is 84 years old?
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