Author: Kyle Jetsel
She went first
This may sound a bit odd, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I find myself thankful for something a bit weird. Obviously… I am thankful for the time that Shelly and I had together. I am thankful for the struggle, and the trials and the money problems and the kid problems and…
People… meh
Why are other people so hard to get along with? Why are they SO seemingly stupid? Why do they frustrate us SO much? The reason is simple. Almost always… the reason is… But first. Let me share a story—a parable, really—that I heard from author Jack Christenson to make this crystal clear. One of Jack’s…
If you are not kind
He was upset… until we discussed this. My son had been “done wrong” by someone. And it seemed to be haunting him and keeping him in a state of “unhappiness.” “How could he do that? What is wrong with him? Why would he do that? How could someone be so mean?” Over and over… and…
Caught by Chloe
Chloe caught me… and I had no idea. First thing this morning, Chloe walked up to me and hugged me REAL tight. An extended hug. Longer than any normal hug she’d ever given me. Then she looked up at me and said, “I want you to know that God is taking better care of Mom…
I got this…
Sometimes I believe it. Sometimes… I’m not so sure. But almost every day… I say it out loud. So I can hear it. I probably don’t have to say this, but it’s been a bit hard since my wife has passed away. Trying to come to grips with the fact that my sweet wife, Shelly…
By their fruits…
I KNOW I’m gonna get some hate on this (and a few of you may not like it) but I came across something that really made me think. And my thoughts may be controversial. But here they are anyway. What ideas are good and what ideas are bad? Obviously, it just makes sense that you…
My experiment
My goofy experiment to make others happy BACKFIRED on me. I frequently get asked, “How can you be so optimistic, Kyle? How can you be so happy all the time?” So, I want to share with you an experience I accidentally created for myself to explain. And I’ll start by telling you this. Back when…
Erica was RACKED with guilt.
I understood completely. I’d lived it myself. There was a time when I knew I was trying REALLY hard. Frankly, I couldn’t do anything more. I’d done everything the doctors, the experts, the specialists, and the therapists had suggested. I’d read every parenting book and attended way too many parenting events. I’d spent every penny…
You’re annoying
I got a message on social media today from an Mom who said I was annoying. She said, “You’re always posting. And emailing. It’s too much.” “Don’t you realize how annoying it is?” I replied by saying, “This message NEEDS to be heard.” “If you’re not ready, that’s okay. I’ll drop you off my email…
Then… it’s an adventure.
When I was a kid, once a year we’d make a trip from Dallas to Beaumont, Texas. We had family there (most of the grandparents and aunts and uncles) so during the overwhelming heat of the Texas summers, we’d all hop in the 1976 family station-wagon and make the 300 mile one-way trip. It was…