A “raw” look
Recently, I did a podcast where I was asked some questions that made me “get real and raw” about my past and the passing of my wife Shelly. Don’t listen to this podcast without expecting to laugh… and cry. And… hopefully be motivated to live a higher, happier life:—Kyle-Jetsel-e2tt6vt
In a Spirit of Love
The “Shelly Method” of leaving a Mom’s legacy. As I sat in front of the TV fuming, my wife Shelly saw my rage rising and softly placed her hands on my shoulders. What She said next changed my life forever. We had moved to Boise, Idaho to raise our (at the time) 4 sons. They…
An open invite.
I like to think I have broad shoulders… I’ve experienced a lot of difficulties. But sometimes… the weight seems too much. In fact, there have been times when I have felt the weight of the responsibilities in front of me. And that weight – at times – has been overwhelming… Life can be hard. So,…
Drowning kids?
Yep. I was a kid you’d consider wanting to drown. Recently I was walking with my mentor and we were chatting as we walked. As we passed by his pool he mentioned they’d – just the night before – had a bunch of 12- 14 year-old boys in the pool having a great time. In…
Mom… still.
Do lessons you learn from your Mom EVER END? I think not. Recently I called my Mom to check on her as She’s been facing some VERY trying circumstances. VERY TRYING! “Do you have a minute to chat?” I asked. She hesitated. “Can I call you back later?” I could hear a lot of happy…
Is venting good?
I was beating the “H E Double Hockey Sticks” out of that punching bag. About fifteen years ago I was given a punching bag as a gift for my birthday. When he delivered it my friend suggested, “I see how frustrated you are with some of the things happening in your life. My hope is…
Give us this day
“Give us this day our daily buckets.” Why is this pseudo-scripture SO incredibly powerful? Because of it’s deeper meaning. Not many people know this but when my wife passed away in October of 2021, I almost passed away, too. Because of my kids… and FOR my kids… and for Shelly, I fought like crazy to…
Just one day
Erik (my more severe ASD son) had a tough day. On July 4th… he simply struggled with moodiness, grumpiness and all around general “make-the-day-tough-ness.” And every one felt it. Not the right day for that. And the more that it went on… the more my “typical” kids started to feel the “C’MON… all day?” feelings.…
Crazy bath sounds?
Woooh, Woooh, Woooh!!! Woooh, Woooh, Woooh!!! Woooh, Woooh, Woooh!!! That’s what the kids said I kept saying over and over and over. Then… they hit me with this… “You sound like a gorilla in labor.” We had the funniest time. A few weeks ago I came across a guy who suggested that dipping ones entire…
Bad, good dream
Recently… I dreamed… I was going to die. You should know, I don’t sleep well. Never have. And one of the side-effects of not sleeping well is that I wake up many, MANY times during the night. Which also means… I wake up, DURING… many, many dreams. So, I remember almost all of them. And…
Got any book recommendations?